March 22, 2010

i'm melting.

You know that feeling you get when you feel like you are totally in your own shoes, feeling gritty and down to earth, loving the feel of the ground beneath your feet and the awareness of a blue sky above? It's like everything feels right. You feel like time has stopped, and you're lost in this split second of true, unadulterated happiness.

Yeah, haven't felt that way for awhile.

Currently, my life feels like melted ice cream - something that still could be really good if you gave it a chance, but at the current moment is not terribly appealing.

I feel like I am losing my sense of where I am, or I guess who I am. I can't remember what it's like to be me, fully and happily. Maybe I'm just changing? I guess college will do that to you.

It's spring break. The LCSO is on tour - we are currently on day 4, spending a free day in Denver, Colorado. Beautiful weather and good friends. I'm glad I am getting to know these people better - I spend almost 5 hours a week with them, and am just now getting to know names and personalities. It's a nice change of pace. And even though this trip feels like one giant high school field trip, our free day in Denver has been quite relaxed, quite without rules, and has been begging me to attempt to feel full again.

I have a couple other secret dreams to share.

I would like to be a gardener someday. My sister and I used to do a little planting when we were little. She stuck with it more than I did, helping out Mom at graduations and large parties with putting flowers in the hard Georgia clay. But for some reason, I feel the strong urge to plant things and get my hands dirty. And then drink raspberry lemonade afterwards. :-)

I aspire to be a part of a team that wears t-shirst with STAFF written across the back. I'm thinking a production crew or something. In NYC or Boston.

As to the flavor of melted ice cream, I must confess that I am a hybrid form of French Silk and Moose Tracks. Chocolate chunks, vanilla cream, fudge swirls, all combined to a perfect blend of Karla. Only, temporarily melted for the time being.