October 7, 2011

fifteen thousand first steps

Alright, mid-afternoon post. Orchestra in 45 minutes. Haven't eaten anything since 10am. What's the deal?

Well, I just had a long conversation that seems to have been inevitable after the last week or so. Good talk. But, for some reason I am the most inept person when it comes to the ends of conversations because I want my last words to be remarkable and weighty. Today, I was not so remarkable with my last words. So just in case the recipient of those last words reads these posts, here's what I should've said instead:

I know that I am a complicated person and I make things really difficult sometimes. I am well aware of this fact. I appreciate your honesty and hope that someday soon I will not be as much of a heartbroken idiot as I am right now. Maybe then I will be able to say things to you without having to publicly post a recanting of them. I wish you well and hope that things start making sense for you.

There. Sort of better.

I probably shouldn't be posting right now - the lack of food in my belly is making me feel super funny. But now I am going to go play some Beethoven and take my 15,000th first step in moving on.

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