September 8, 2010

insert random blog title here


it's super late. i should be in bed, HOWEVER, i am feeling extremely loopy and have deemed it unnecessary for me to fall asleep right now. i want to ride this wave of craziness all the way through, baby.

i have a couple things i'd like to share with some anonymous people, if that's okay with you. i always thought these were entertaining.

1. remember when we went to see toy story and laughed and giggled like 6 year olds all the way home? i used to drink with your uncle and help your mother with her internet; we had jam sessions in my living room and ate chinese food on special occasions with your family while watching movie that no one payed attention to. one time, i took an orange sharpie and drew a heart on your hand. i know you better than anyone else - listen to your heart.

2. i'm sorry - wait, no i take that back. i'm not sorry for everything that happened. well, hold on, let me clarify. i'm sorry that things turned out this way, however... i'm not sorry for the way they played out. that was your own fault. and now we are playing this dumb game where you see right through me every single day and i'm about ready to slap you in the face and say "LOOK AT ME". but i know you won't, i know you don't care. someday i'll introduce myself to you and say, "hi my name is karla. you don't remember me, but we used to play in the same jazz ensemble and i stayed up at 3 am so that you wouldn't be the only one awake while driving that van back to school. i'm happy, drama free, and not missing you." let's be adults, like you always said.

3. hey thanks for popping into my life. quite unexpected and i'm extremely grateful, for both of you. i might not have survived these past 5 days without the two of you, ready at all times to hug me or council me or just agree with the shittiness of the situation. i love how you are almost always together and walk past me at random points during my day, offering smiles and encouragement. it's my favorite. i love you guys, and i've only known you for 2 weeks. win. :-)

4. you are a freaking bfg and i love it. i'm sorry for the past couple of days - i figure they had to have happened at some point this year. better to get it out of the way now than to let it sit, you know? i am honored to be your best friend, and can't wait to do totally random and probably dumb stuff with you this year. promise me that you'll always keep your awkward charm and your cookie monster sweatshirt. it's so you that it's not even funny. every friday is fide triday! ;-)

5. i love the way you are. who you are. you should've come to luther on thursday, but i'm glad you showed up when you did. keep talking to me, you are like my life line right now. so much responsibility, i know. :-) i'm just in a weird place and you have a way of making me feel grounded. keep telling me stories through my headphones, keep thinking terrible things. :-) i'll see you over there in 4 months.

it's 2:14 am in decorah. i once had a friend who's favorite number was 214. LAUNDRY TIME!

1 comment:

  1. You find these entertaining, but you'll be surprised to know that sometimes they are read by the very same people you write about.

    Do I remember? I can tell you where each of those things began:

    The Giggling: Driving home from gigs (HAH) usually got you all riled up and giggly. Coffee n' Cones, Season Tickets, oh yes. That point in our friendship is where your giggling progressively got worse and became part of a serious medical condition. I know of a doctor that could get that checked out for you, he's the bomb... "I see you drivin' round town with the girl I love and I'm like..."

    The Drinking With My Krunkle: That began at a very late stage in the game, and had it been at a better time I would have joined both of you for a few. Wait no, you would have a few, and I would have seven more to catch up with your drunk a... (URL contains illegal characters, what?!?) Maybe I would have fallen off a few chairs or two...

    The Jamming: Toi et Moi-Antoine Dufour. Superman, Pong, and Errk made our first audience. I can tell you where each of us was standing/sitting. Thinking back on it, that was truly a life changing moment for the both of us. At the time it felt so casual, almost a little silly. It's funny how things work out that way...

    The Movies: Finding Nemo. (Not quite Elf, if we're talking about movies that weren't paid attention to.) Because it's so hard to pay attention to movies with the deadly combination of Krunkle Ben and Brenda in the same room...

    I know you're having fun, I can tell. I couldn't be happier for you. It will only get better, I'm sure. Keep your eyes in the sky, that's where you'll find me. Don't you dare say it... Uh oh. You're in trouble, boo.

    Karla's blog, not kitty's.
    Live Long and Prosper, babe...
