June 20, 2010


No picture today, just some thoughts:

I am hungry.

Graceflock leaves for tour on Friday! 14 hour drive to Philadelphia. SO EXCITED.

It will be my one year anniversary with Blogger tomorrow! I will have to do something extra special to celebrate.

My room is clean, and it feels so good to be on my unobstructed bed without moving piles of clothes just so I can lay down. Also, I dusted. Extra plus there.

I'm planning my sister's bridal shower with another bridesmaid. Supposed to have the invitations ready to mail out tomorrow... Guess I should be working on that instead of blogging.

Things are returning to normalcy in my head, which is nice. Now that the fog is clearing up, I gotta keep walking in the direction that I want to go. So. I need a Google map for my own brain, isn't that sad?

I smell like mangos and mandarin oranges. Mmm.

Happy Father's Day!

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